Can - can't: exercise 1

Can - can't: exercise 1  

ESL worksheets on 
Exercise 1 
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 
very | play | my | can | brother | football | well 
homework | with | you | I | can | help | your 
in | Sue | English | can't | read 
you | it | I | about | cannot | tell 
make | can | your | mum | cakes | good 
go | you | tonight | can | out 
dad | cannot | a | horse | ride | my 
morning | come | I | tomorrow | can't 
again | Bill | drive | his | can | car 
you | my | can't | mobile | use | new | phone 

My brother can play football very well. 
I can help you with your homework. 
Sue can't read in English. 
I cannot tell you about it. 
Your mum can make good cakes. 
You can go out tonight. 
My dad cannot ride a horse. 
I can't come tomorrow morning. 
Bill can drive his car again. 
You can't use my new mobile phone. 


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